Digital Video Broadcasting Software for watching digital TV and listening to radio channels

ProgTV for Android

File Version Size Google play
ProgTV 2.90.7




Support more OTT providers and more easy for setup. Also in this version ProgTV uses additional permissions such as permission.MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to access files when recording.

3.46.6 3.46.4 3.46.3 71MB  

ProgTV+ for x86/x64

3.46.6 3.46.4 3.46.3 76MB  

This software uses code of FFmpeg licensed under the LGPLv2.1 and its source can be downloaded here

For reasonable money I can prepare a special version of ProgTV (for Windows or/and Android) for your requirements. For example with those and only those features that are required for your IPTV/OTT or specific device. It is also possible to create a new player based on my engine and 15+ years of experience in digital TV. Or even my participation in your project on similar topics. Write, I will be glad to discuss any ideas.



This software uses code of FFmpeg licensed under the LGPLv2.1 and its source can be downloaded here

Parameters of TV sources

These (m3u templates) serve for fast setup of access to channels. You can open these in from the web browser or from file manager by ProgTV app. It is also possible to download, transfer to other device and import over ProgTV -> TV Sources > Import function.for quick access to channels. Request 2.19.5 or newer.


Enable support of addition OTT providers — Rodina TV, OTT Club, Shura TV, ...
SlyNet lists — Many free channels over Internet. From


List of TV and radio channels which collected by ProgDVB users from open sources. You can use this link in ProgTV for first setup and test, but I don't promise working.