Vorab-Versionen von ProgDVB runterladen
Kostenlos | Version | Größe | Preis |
for Windows x86 or x64 * |
7.65.9b | 43MB | |
ProgDVB x64 + ProgTV x64
for Windows x64 * |
7.65.9b | 43MB | |
Shareware | Version | Größe | Preis |
ProgDVB + ProgTV Professional
for Windows x86 or x64 * |
7.65.9b | 46MB | |
ProgDVB x64 + ProgTV x64 Professional
for Windows x64 * |
7.65.9b | 46MB | 35 € ProgDVB+ProgTV 25 € ProgDVB 25 € ProgTV |
(*) Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10. x32 version good for x64 and x86 Windows. x64 version sees only x64 codecs, modules, plugins... Actually x86 is more simple for setup.
ProgDVB and ProgTV requires Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.7.2 or higher, you can download it here.
Funktionen | Standard | Professional |
HDTV | • | • |
DVB-S2 | • | • |
Bild-in-Bild, Dual tuner und Mosaic | • | |
Record and scheduler | • | |
Diseqc | • | |
Bild-in-Bild | • |