Digital Video Broadcasting Software for watching digital TV and listening to radio channels

Device options

In TV Sources (more in detail) the mounted devices for watching, and services and modules are: Internet ?V, Radio, YouTube, ProgMediaClient, IPTV Client, Internet Gate Client, TS Reader. Marked in green what are involved at present. Below are out-of-operation modules. You at any moment can Enable or Disable their appropriate buttons. During installation, program the automatically finds yours devices and suggests to select services necessary for you and to tune the defined equipment. At pushing "Properties" there is a settings dialog box of this device or service.


This dialogue also can bring up from Settings -> Device options.

For example, at setting DVB-S card you can select in this window How many time to repeat DiSEqC command. If at you does not work a switch (for example, the command does not reach the switch mounted in a cascade) try to increase an amount of repetitions. Likewise, you can pick up the Delay between DiSEqC commands.

If you have a conflict between two cards (often, if they of one vendor) check point Not start more one device at one.

The large increase of speed and performance of the program gives unchecking of a mark point Use ITunerRequest and Use Demultiplexor and TIF (if yours card it can).

By check Symbol Rate in kilo-symbols you can choose units for number of symbol changes per second.


At usage of the Conditional Access Module, in this item your device with the information about CI and CAM, and also the module settings, necessary for watching, will be defined.


In Options section all general settings for operation with the program are produce (more in detail).