Digital Video Broadcasting Software for watching digital TV and listening to radio channels
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18.02.2025 StreamEye Studio 2024 v MV-HEVC support for analyzing multi-layer video, perfect for VR and AR. Major improvements to the AV1 module, including expanded metadata and enhanced stability
29.01.2025 ProgTV3 v5.1.0 Total new app header with top menu.
10.12.2024 ProgDVB v7.61.3 Big update of file functions.
Open files, Open folder, from command line, drag and drop, ...
Update of file playback, record clips, VOD films downloads, ...
14.11.2024 Elecard ViCont v1.2 Full Android Support, Expanded Protocol Support, Enhanced Scheduling, WYSIWYG Layout Editor, Multilayer Scheduling, User-Friendly Enhancements.
03.11.2024 Prog Music v1.0 Music player for Android based on ProgTV. Supported music files, radio and audiobooks.
The universal and very power software for watching digital TV and listening to radio channels.
Support for various types of sources:
- internet TV and Radio.
- DVB-S/S2 (satellite), DVB-C (cable), DVB-T/T2, ATSC,ISDB-T.
- Kartina TV, Rodina TV, OTT Club, Shura TV, Sovok TV.
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ProgTV - the simple but convenient and universal software for watching digital TV and listening to radio channels in Android, iOS and Windows.
Prog Media Server
Prog Media Server is a ProgDVB module that allows you to broadcast the information onto your local network or to watch several channels on the same computer simultaneously.
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Prog Music
Плеер музыки, радио и аудио книг на основе ProgTV, который использую во время вело поездок.
Prog Finder
Simple and completely free the utility capable considerably to help with adjustment of the satellite dish.
Elecard CodecWorks
Elecard CodecWorks — профессиональный программный транскодер HEVC/H.265, AVC/H.264 и MPEG-2 видео в режиме реального времени, с поддержкой адаптивного вещания HLS и MPEG-DASH, с возможностью кодирования 4K HEVC и выводом медиаконтента на различные устройства.
Elecard Boro
Boro service - Сервис, обеспечивающий контроль качества видеопотоков в сфере организации и доставки OTT и IPTV телевидения, подготовки контента для DVB вещания, а так же в системах видеонаблюдения.